Frege’s Third Realm and the Structure of Thought

  • Kurt Wischin Universidad de Granada, Spain
Keywords: Thoughts, Objects, Concepts, Facts, Imagination


Frege’s assertion that a third realm must be admitted between the external world of things and our subjective imaginations is frequently taken as an explicit confirmation that thoughts and logical objects in general are ideal things outside space and time and that this view makes Frege a platonistic realist. In this brief paper I offer some arguments as to why such a view might reveal a basic misunderstanding of Frege’s view.

Author Biography

Kurt Wischin, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Kurt Wischin had his first formational contact with academic philosophy occurred in Vienna during the 1970s. He obtained a BA in Philosophy at the Autonomous University and a MPhil at the Autonomous National University of Mexico and a PhD at the University of Granada, Spain. His work in philosophy takes as its starting point the philosophy of Wittgenstein, in particular as condensed in Philosophical Investigations. His current investigative activities are focused on the foundational years of the contemporary philosophy of logic and language, putting special emphasis on the development of Frege's doctrine and its influence on the formation of the Tractatus, as well as generally early analytical philosophy. He has published various articles and translations y some anthologies and academic reviews.


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How to Cite
Wischin, K. 2023. Frege’s Third Realm and the Structure of Thought. Disputatio. 12, 25 (Sep. 2023), 221-246.
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