Study Of Ethics In Scientific And Engineering Careers With The Support Of Icts And Dynamic Interactive

  • Luciana Samamé Universidad Yachay Tech, Ecuador
  • Fabiola Vethencourtt Universidad Yachay Tech, Ecuador
Keywords: Ethics, Critical thinking, Social responsibility, Citizenship


Our paper aims to present our experience as professors of ethics courses aimed at students of university careers in basic sciences and engineering. First, we will discuss the importance and relevance of the teaching of ethics in this educational context and in today’s globalized society, for its purpose of promoting an ethos that encourages in future graduates their social responsibility and their civic commitment. Second, we will describe the support of our teaching work in the resources of new technologies, combined with the implementation of different interactive dynamics.


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How to Cite
Samamé, L. and Vethencourtt, F. 2019. Study Of Ethics In Scientific And Engineering Careers With The Support Of Icts And Dynamic Interactive. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 22, (Dec. 2019), 131-133.