Creative Coding: Computational Thinking And Constructivism From Intercultural Contexts

  • Iván Terceros Medialab CIESPAL, Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores de Comunicación para América Latina, Ecuador
Keywords: Programming Languages, Interculturality, Education, Computational Thinking


This article will talk about two experiences of the use of programming languages in educational environments, for the promotion of intercultural contexts. The first one, called Wawakipu, is an educational program for children to 8 to 12 years old, based on Scratch, which seeks to “awaken computer thinking” through the development of video games, based on indigenous stories and myths. The second case is another educational program for a university audience called “Tejidos Autómatas”, which seeks to generate reflections on the complexity of social processes in relation to code present in indigenous weaves, expressed through p5 .js, a programming language for interactive art.


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How to Cite
Terceros, I. 2019. Creative Coding: Computational Thinking And Constructivism From Intercultural Contexts. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 22, (Dec. 2019), 121-125.