Textualization, Polyalphabetization And Info-Literacy Of Written Discourse In The Digital And Informational Age

  • Galo Guerrero Jiménez Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
Keywords: Thought, Reading, Humanistic-scientific, Text, Semantics


This paper aims to describe and analyze some coordinates from the hermeneutic and axiological-contextual order that are correlated between oral culture, writing and electronics in the global knowledge society. From these perspectives, the intention is to approach the treatment and reflection of some topics that study the phenomenon of language in relation to technology, and that from the digital and informational world provoke and promote a series of cognitive behaviors from the which the literate person constructs mental models to communicate, and with which he exerts a marked behavioral influence to perceive reality and respond to it from situational and communicational circumstances close to his life experience.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Jiménez, G. 2019. Textualization, Polyalphabetization And Info-Literacy Of Written Discourse In The Digital And Informational Age. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 22, (Dec. 2019), 127-129.