Virtual class–room for learning of understanding

  • Hilda María Colín García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Zbigniew Oziewicz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: University education, Virtual Platform Moodle, On-line education, Understanding versus knowledge, Pedagogical experience


The principal aim of education should be the understanding. Understanding is not equivalent to passive knowledge. We do not identify understanding with knowledge. Even large knowledge de not necessarily imply understanding. Understanding is personal, is subjective, needs personal reflection.
For this aim the Virtual class-room of Moodle is excellent technology, it is indispensable, because students should prepare written individual texts of their private opinions about most fundamental concepts of science. Beside of Technology of Communication TIC, beside of Technology of Apprenticeship and Knowledge TAC [Rozar Lozano Dias 2011], we propose emphasize Understanding, the Technology of Learning of Understanding (TLU).


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Grassmann, Hermann (1844). Die Ausdehnungslehre. Leipzig.
Oziewicz, Zbigniew (2013). “Science must never be objective”. Studium Vilnense A 10: pp 3–8. Proceedings of the XVI–th International Conference on The Science and Quality of Life, Vilnius, Lithuania.
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How to Cite
Colín García, H.M. and Oziewicz, Z. 2019. Virtual class–room for learning of understanding. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 22, (Dec. 2019), 95-98.