Digital Manufacturing As A Strategy For Changing The Vocation Of Students To Areas Of Engineering Field

  • Gerardo Alberto Varela Navarro Universidad de Guadalajara, México
  • Laura Rebeca Mateos Morfín Universidad de Guadalajara, México
  • Juan Manuel Álvarez Becerra Universidad de Guadalajara, México
Keywords: Digital manufacturing, Education, High school, Mexico


The University of Guadalajara (UdeG), during the years 2016 and 2017 has developed a project for the installation of Digital Manufacturing Laboratories. In 2015 before this project begun, it was piloted with a laboratory of the FabLearn methodology of Stanford University. This proyect was funded by the government, with a fund called PROSOFT-2016, the UdeG ventured to expand the laboratories to all its High schools.


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Blikstein, Paul, Libow, Silvia, and Allen, Heather (2016). Meaningful Making: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs and Makerspaces. USA: Constructing Modern Knowledge Press.
Blikstein, Paulo; Calderón, Gabriela; Otero, Nancy (2016). "Evaluation of Makers in Residence México: Creating the Conditions for Learning and Invention" USA: Mimeo Stanford University.
Chan N., María E.; Zanabria Z., Jorge C.; Rosario M., Víctor M.; Mateos M., Laura R.; Alvarez B., Juan M.; Varela N., Gerardo A (2017). Reporte Técnico 2016–2017. Red de Laboratorios de Fabricación Digital en el Sistema de Educación Media Superior de la Universidad de Guadalajara.
Coordinación General de Planeación y Desarrollo Institucional (COPLADI), Universidad de Guadalajara (2018). Numeralia Institucional, UdeG. Accessed Decembrer 10, 2018.
INEGI (2010). Censo General de Población y Vivienda 2010. Accessed Decembrer 10, 2018.
How to Cite
Varela Navarro, G.A., Mateos Morfín, L.R. and Álvarez Becerra, J.M. 2019. Digital Manufacturing As A Strategy For Changing The Vocation Of Students To Areas Of Engineering Field. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 22, (Dec. 2019), 81-86.