SAFA: The Knowledge And The Reality Of Farmers In The Classroom

  • Marco Heredia Rengifo Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Ecuador
  • Bolier Torres Navarrete Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Ecuador
Keywords: Learning, Development, Tool, Innovation, University


In the teaching / learning process in the search for digital literacy within human development, it is essential to generate a space for interaction with new technologies. SAFA Small farmers assess sustainability under four dimensions: 1) Good Governance, 2) Environmental Integrity, 3) Resilience Economy and 4) Social Welfare; this innovation generates a change in the paradigm of education and involves the commitment of teaching and the potential of their computational skills to promote critical thinking and computational foundations in students, with the purpose of interaction between the field and the classroom, the results of research and the satisfaction of the peasants, students and professors are reflected.


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How to Cite
Heredia Rengifo, M. and Torres Navarrete, B. 2019. SAFA: The Knowledge And The Reality Of Farmers In The Classroom. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 22, (Dec. 2019), 23-27.