Two phenomenological contributions to think fundamentalism
I will try a critical and simple approach to some characteristics of what is called “fundamentalism”. First, minimally defining the meaning of that term in the usual (non-academic) use of religious actors. Second, presenting two theses that can found, in some way, this religious phenomenon. What Guardini understands as the key to human creation and what Welte lists as religious phenomena that are considered religious and which are not, allow us to understand something of this present discourse. Third, trying a conclusion that shows the dangers of the use - decidedly negative - of that qualification to propose a dynamic of tension that remains open.
Otto, Rudolf (1917), Das Helige. Über das irrationale in der idee des Göttlichen uns sein Verhältnis zum Rationalen. Versión en castellano: (1980) Lo Santo. Lo racional y lo irracional en la idea de Dios. Traducción de Fernando García Vela. Madrid, Alianza.
Welte, Bernhard (1978), Religiophilosophie, Frigurgo de Bisgovia, Verlag, Herder. Versión en castellano (1981) Filosofía de la Religión. Traducción de Raúl Gabas. Barcelona, Editorial Herder.
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