Bioethics as a bridge between human dignity, social participation, human rights and sustainable development goals

  • Carlos García Torres Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
Keywords: Bioethics, Human Dignity, Human Rights, Sustainable Development Goals


This article reviews the origins of Bioethics, and the metaphor of a bridge between the sciences and the humanities. Analyses the idea of human dignity, and its Kantian realization. Finds that the human dignity is basic to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to its ethical validity. From here, analyzes the ethical importance of the Sustainable Development Goals. Presents social consensus as a reference to establish the ethical quality of the evaluative aspects of a given society. The ideas of Jürgen Habermas are used to establish the ethical importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Being, thus, also useful bioethical referents in practical dilemmas.


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Author Biography

Carlos García Torres, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador

Carlos García Torres es Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Derecho y Coordinador de la Cátedra UNESCO de Ética y Sociedad en la Educación Superior de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador. Es Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España. Sus intereses de investigación se concentran en la bioética, la ética, la filosofía del derecho y el derecho romano. Es autor de obras como: Derecho romano: una revisión sumaria (Dykinson, 2011); Derecho Romano (UTPL, 2020) o Sociología Jurídica (UTPL, 2020). Contacto: Cátedra UNESCO de Ética y Sociedad en la Educación Superior, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Calle Marcelino Champagnat s/n, 110107 San Cayetano Alto, Loja, Ecuador. — (✉): — iD


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How to Cite
García Torres, C. 2020. Bioethics as a bridge between human dignity, social participation, human rights and sustainable development goals . Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 27, (Dec. 2020), no. 5: pp. 1-. DOI: