The category of the imago dei in the mystic philosophic of M. Eckhart

  • Sandro Paredes Díaz Universidad Católica del Maule
Keywords: M. Eckhart, mystic philosophy, Imago dei


The category of the imago Dei (image of God) is a philosophical-theological effort that tries to explain the relationship between God and the human being and that has a particular formulation in the mystical philosophy of M. Eckhart. The objective of the text is to explain this category in its central aspects, considering both the Latin and German work of the Dominican religious, relating the imago dei with Plotin's Neoplatonic philosophy regarding the soul and the Intelligence. This may help us understand the motives behind the sentence of Pope John XXII on 1329.


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How to Cite
Paredes Díaz , S. 2021. The category of the imago dei in the mystic philosophic of M. Eckhart. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 30, (Sep. 2021), 211–218.