Atheism and religion: active theoris and the impact of religion on society

  • Jeferson Forneck Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul
Keywords: Religion, Atheism, Contribuition


The following essay addresses different perspectives on religion. It addresses the sociological perspective in relation to religion and its consequences in society. The psychological point of view will not be excluded from the analysis, the phenomenon of primitive religion is analyzed in relation to the psychological complex. The analysis of atheistic theorists contributes to establishing questions and criticisms about religion. Therefore, an analysis of the relationship between religion, subject and society. Finally, the possible contributions of this relationship in the other cultures that are inserted. In this way, the possibility of religion helping in the dynamic construction of a society is considered.


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Author Biography

Jeferson Forneck , Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul

Jeferson Forneck estudante do curso de mestrado em filosofía pela Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul. Seu trabalho se concentra sobre o tema do suicidio e as contribições filosóficas em relação do mesmo


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How to Cite
Forneck , J. 2021. Atheism and religion: active theoris and the impact of religion on society. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 30, (Sep. 2021), 89-96.