Religious experience and political orden. The Eric Voegelin’s Proposal

  • José María Carabante Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Eric Voegelin, Transcendence, Consciousness


This article tries to explain the philosophical conception of Eric Voegelin, one of the main political theorists of 20th century, and to clarify what role plays the experience of transcendence. Philosophy is born with it, but this experience also determines the spiritual and social order. What will be argued is the voegeliniana philosophy is an original and novel point of view that can open up unexplored ways of deepening in the philosophy of religion, helping to clarify its gnoseological status with its peculiar notion of consciousness.


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Author Biography

José María Carabante, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

José María Carabante es Profesor de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctor en la misma universidad, desarrollo su trabajo de investigación en el campo de la filosofía práctica contemporánea. Autor de diversas monografías sobre la obra de Habermas, ha escrito Mayo del 68. Claves filosóficas de una revuelta posmoderna y numerosos artículos en torno a los problemas de la teoría política y jurídica contemporánea.


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Voegelin, Eric (1990), Anamnesis: On the Theory of History and Politics. Trad. de Gerhart Niemeyer. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.

Voegelin, Eric (2004), Drama of Humanity and Other Miscellaneous Papers, 1939-1985. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.
How to Cite
Carabante, J.M. 2021. Religious experience and political orden. The Eric Voegelin’s Proposal. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 30, (Sep. 2021), 107-114.