Marx's critique: Religion becomes a form of domination

  • Iván Ramón Rodríguez Benavides Departamento de Filosofía, Artes y Humanidades
Keywords: Religion, Politics, Postsecularity


It examines the political proposal of those who defend that in the 21st century religion promotes the freedom of citizens with Marx's critique of religion in the 19th century. For this purpose, we take up Marx's denunciation of religion as a form of political alienation in the 19th century. Thereby we determine if religion is still the cause of political «alienation» of citizens or if it has changed, and in the 21st century religion is a liberating and emancipating agent.   Finally, the contradiction incurred by a State which defends liberal thought and private interests at the same time is concluded.


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Author Biography

Iván Ramón Rodríguez Benavides , Departamento de Filosofía, Artes y Humanidades

Iván Ramón Rodríguez Benavides es Profesor de Filosofía Política en el Departamento de Filosofía, Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de La Salle, Colombia. Es autor de La institución del Estado como una Veluti Mente (Praxis Filosófica (50S), 59-72, 2020).


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Benavides , I.R. 2021. Marx’s critique: Religion becomes a form of domination. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 30, (Sep. 2021), 81-88.