Is there a place for religious thought in the microscopic world?

  • David Ricote Hernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Religion and Science, Microscopic World, Cosmology


We propose a reflection on the relationship between religious thought and the discovery and unfolding of the microscopic world through the following journey. First we ask: ¿How could religion contribute to our interaction with the microscopic world? Here we will recall how cosmic visions related with different religions set the ground on the interaction between different levels of organization. Then we will answer the question: What can the microscopic world offer to religious thought? Here we will propose that  religious thought should commit itself to the discovery and unfolding of the microscopic world.


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Author Biography

David Ricote Hernández , Universidad Complutense de Madrid

David Ricote Hernández es estudiante de doctorado en el departamento de genética molecular en el departamento de genética de la facultad de Biología Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Allí está desarrollando una tesis filosófica sobre el concepto de individuo en biología. El autor ha contribuido a numerosas charlas y seminarios en congresos de Biología Teórica como el congreso Evolution Evolving en Cambriidge, o en centros de investigación biológica y filosófica.


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How to Cite
Ricote Hernández , D. 2021. Is there a place for religious thought in the microscopic world?. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 30, (Sep. 2021), 51-60.