The Revealed Phenomenon and the Contingency of the Positive Elements of Religion

  • Felipe Vargas Sotela Universidad de Costa Rica
Keywords: Revelation, Phenomenon, Intuition, Givenness


The problem pf taking the positive elements of religion as contingent arisies from the critics developed by promient authors such as mattew burch, steven crowell, and matthew shunke towards the abandonment of intuituion in the captaining of the same. Such prblema may arise from an interpretation of the sketch made by jean-luc marion towardsthe abandonment of intuition in the captaining of itself. Such problem may arise from an interpetation of the sketch made jean-luc marion of the disclosed pehomenon. A result that comes from this problem is the impossibility of bieng able to display the strict description of the positive elements of religion. Finding the proposal of a metatheologycal pluralism unsatisfactory, a solution to the problem will be ofered from a clafirication of the active role of intuition in the capture of the revealed phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Felipe Vargas Sotela, Universidad de Costa Rica

Felipe Vargas Sotela: es asistente de profesores e investigador de la Universidad de Cosatrrica. Área de competencia: Fenomenología, Filosofía de la religión, Fenomenología de la religión, Metafísica, Filosofía Medieval y Patrística. B phil, Actualmente cursando M phil en Universidad de Costa Rica. Afiliaciones Profesionales: Círculo Costarricense de Fenomenología (miembro del consejo directivo). Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience (Affiliated Student Member). CLAFEN (Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología)


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How to Cite
Vargas Sotela, F. 2021. The Revealed Phenomenon and the Contingency of the Positive Elements of Religion . Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 29, (Jun. 2021), 53-61.