The multiplicity of religious experience in the secular age
The modern moral order is being modified with the process of secularization. Many ethical challenges have arisen, among them those that inescapably confront the phenomenon of varieties of religious experience. The question is: what does it mean to say that we live in a secular age? I read William James' thought about the concept of atomized religious experience; then I deal with the atomized and holistic religious experience in the criticism woven by Charles Taylor. Finally, I bring the perspective of Pedro Casaldáliga and José María Vigil, who postulate the notion of ethical indignation as a religious experience of liberation. It is concluded that both individually and collectively, the human agent has to experience their religiosity from the perspective of ethical indignation.
Del Río, Ignacio Sepúlveda (2013). La religión en el mundo secular trascendencia e individualidad. Un estudio del problema desde el pensamiento de Charles Taylor. Tesis doctoral; bajo la dirección de lo Prof. Dr. Jesús Marcial Conill Sancho (dir. tes.). Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Moral y Política Programa de Doctorado en Ética y Democracia. Sevilla, 2013.
James, William (2017). As variedades da experiência religiosa: um estudo sobre a natureza humana. 2. ed. Tradução, Octavio Mendes Cajado. São Paulo: Cultrix.
Silva, Maximino Gomes da (2010). Os hiperbens de Charles Taylor e a fundamentação transcendente da moral: As Fontes do Self e o Teísmo. São Paulo. 2010. Dissertação para obtenção do título de mestre em Ciências da Religião pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. São Paulo.
Taylor, Charles (2003). Las variedades de la religión hoy. Traducción de Ramon Vilá Vernis. Barcelona: Paidós.
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