Lack of ethical-medical grounds in the new Spaniard Euthanasia Act

  • Víctor Páramo Valero Universitat de València, España
Keywords: Euthanasia, Bioethics, Grounds


This paper aims to make a systematic review of the new Spaniard Euthanasia Act (2021) and to analyse the following problem: the absence of a foundation that gives a proper ethical-medical legitimacy to the Act, given that the motivations and justifications offered at the beginning of the document on the need for a euthanasia Act, as well as the reasons that explain to be proposed and approved, have as starting point a moral worldview that does not have scientific-medical support. I will focus on how the clinical neurosciences understand the resort to suicide and why the Euthanasia Law does not do justice to the current scientific knowledge on suicidal ideation.


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Author Biography

Víctor Páramo Valero , Universitat de València, España

Víctor Páramo Valero es doctorado en Ética y Democracia en la Universitat de València, España. Su trabajo se centra en el problema de la eutanasia, la bioética del final de la vida y la teología.


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How to Cite
Páramo Valero, V. 2022. Lack of ethical-medical grounds in the new Spaniard Euthanasia Act. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 35, (Dec. 2022), no. 17: pp. 1-10.