Medical Legal Tools: A review from a Medical Law Perspective

  • María Paola Aguilar Rodas AMEDILEX Asesoría y Auditoría Médico Legal Cía. Ltda., Ecuador
Keywords: Medical Record, Prescription, Legal, Confidencialidad


Medical legal tools are the documents used every day in medical tasks, that are useful not only for healthcare but also have a legal value. This chapter has a review of the norms that rules it´s use and the LEX ARTIS in which the information of this documents is based. With the purpose of giving solid basis for healthcare professionals so they can work as the law rules, and for the justice workers so they can analyze cases with a wider perspective.


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Author Biography

María Paola Aguilar Rodas, AMEDILEX Asesoría y Auditoría Médico Legal Cía. Ltda., Ecuador

María Paola Aguilar Rodas is a medical doctor graduated from Universidad del Azuay in Cuenca Ecuador, specialist in Emergency Medicine from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá Colombia and specialist in Medical Law from Universidad Externado de Colombia. She currently works as attending physician and head of the Emergency Department of the Hospital del Rio in Cuenca Ecuador, as undergraduate and postgraduate professor in local universities and as an associate in the medical and legal consulting and auditing firm Amedilex. Speaker and attendee of multiple conferences and symposiums on emergency medicine and medical law.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Rodas, M.P. 2022. Medical Legal Tools: A review from a Medical Law Perspective. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 33, (Jun. 2022), no. 4: pp. 1-28.