Neurotheology and theological rationality in Andrew Newberg

  • Víctor Páramo Valero Universitat de València
Keywords: Neurotheology, Newberg, Rationality


This paper follows Andrew Newberg’s way of thinking in theology. Newberg is one of the main authors in Neuroscience of theology or Neurotheology. In his work Principles of Neurotheology (2010), he speaks as a neuroscientist in a world of theologians, but not as someone outside or contrary to theology, but as a scientist who considers himself, thanks to his knowledge, closer to God than other theologians. Newberg tries to expose a scientific explanation of why religious behavior and religious thought cannot (and should not) be suppressed nor religion has to be separated from human life.


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Author Biography

Víctor Páramo Valero , Universitat de València

Víctor Páramo Valero es estudiante de doctorado en el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universitat de València, España. Su trabajo se centra en la teología y la bioética.


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How to Cite
Páramo Valero , P.V. 2021. Neurotheology and theological rationality in Andrew Newberg . Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 28, (Mar. 2021), 197-205.