Popper on science and religion

  • Julio Ostalé Universidad de Vigo
Keywords: Karl Popper, Stephen Jay Gould, Science and Religion


In this paper, it is argued for that Karl Popper’s stance on the relation between empirical science and religious beliefs, although falls into the independence theories, can be developed until it fits with the dialogue theories. In this sense, Popper’s stance overcomes Stephen J. Gould’s one, which is better known. Gould supports scientism, while Popper sees science (and perhaps religion) as realms that are rational insofar as they are subject to criticism.


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Author Biography

Julio Ostalé , Universidad de Vigo

Julio Ostalé es profesor de filosofía en Universidad de Vigo (España), de lógica formal y filosofía en UNED Coruña (España) y de lógica informal en UNIR (España). Licenciado en Filosofía y en Humanidades; Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia por Universidad de Salamanca y posgrado “Logic Year” por ILLC (Países Bajos). Autor de manual de lógica informal y tres libros (sobre Popper, Weyl y la IA conversacional). Investiga lógica aplicada.


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How to Cite
Ostalé, J. 2021. Popper on science and religion . Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 28, (Mar. 2021), 79-88.