Approach to the narrative function of the religion from Rortyan neopragmatism

  • Leonardo Marulanda Tobón Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Neopragmatism, Religious Education, Languages of Religion


The contingency of language evokes the limits of the human being in his encounter with reality. The pretensions of objectivity and truth, as demonstrated by Richard Rorty in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, are not satisfied by Metaphysic or traditional Philosophy. It is intuit that neither by religion. In so-called post-philosophical and post-metaphysical era, and in the context of School Religious Education, what then can be the narrative function of religion? Considering the urgency of solidarity rather than the objectivity of truth is posed as an approximation to the question and its possible answers.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Marulanda Tobón , Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Leonardo Marulanda Tobón es doctorando en Ciencias de las Religiones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. Magíster en Ciencias de la Religiones con énfasis en Gestión de la Diversidad Religiosa y Cultural de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Su trabajo investigativo se centra en la alfabetización religiosa, los lenguajes de la religión y la educación religiosa escolar.


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How to Cite
Marulanda Tobón , L. 2021. Approach to the narrative function of the religion from Rortyan neopragmatism. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 28, (Mar. 2021), 89-98.