«God is good» in The Interior Castle from Ricoeurian hermeneutics

  • Patricia Fernández Martín Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: The Interior Castle, Pragmatics, The Goodness of God


Taking as a basis Ricoeurian hermeneutics, a philosophical analysis of The Interior Castle by Teresa of Ávila is carried out in order to understand some utterances derived from the proposition «God is good». First, the problem of assuming a simple semantic-explanatory vision of this (partial) definition of God is explained. Afterwards, a pragmatic-comprehensive review of his goodness in the aforementioned book is carried out. Finally, the main conclusion points out that the perlocutionary dimension of the Teresian text can be a possible baroque anticipation: given our ignorance of divine reality, let us just be happy following Jesus' declaration of love.


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Author Biography

Patricia Fernández Martín , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Patricia Fernández Martín es Profesora de Lengua Española en el Departamento de Filologías y su Didáctica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España). Doctora en Lengua Española y sus Literaturas [≈ PhD] por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España), su trabajo reciente se centra en la aplicación de la perspectiva de género al estudio filológico y filosófico de textos áureos escritos en lengua española.


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How to Cite
Fernández Martín , P. 2021. «God is good» in The Interior Castle from Ricoeurian hermeneutics . Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 29, (Jun. 2021), 131-141.