The nexus between God and intersubjectivity in Husserl's phenomenology

  • Tommaso Bertolasi Instituto Universitario Sophia
Keywords: God, Intersubjectivity, Teleology, Monadic community


The nexus between the problem of God and that of intersubjectivity in Husserl's phenomenology has not been a topic frequented by researchers. It will be a matter, then, of questioning the implications of the transcendental perspective on the existence of the intersubjective community. The aim of this paper is to suggest that in Husserl one finds a philosophical understanding of God starting from intersubjectivity. This allows for an enrichment of the understanding of intersubjectivity as the locus of God's manifestation.


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Author Biography

Tommaso Bertolasi , Instituto Universitario Sophia

Tommaso Bertolasi es licenciado en Filosofía y ética de las relaciones por la Universidad de Perugia (Italia). Es doctor en Filosofía por la USAL – Área San Miguel (Buenos Aires) y en Filosofía por la Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina). Ha sido docente (JTP ) de antropología filosófica y ética filosófica en la UCA – Campus del Rosario (Argentina) y es docente del Seminario permanente de pensamiento filosófico latinoamericano (IUS – Italia). Actualmente se desempeña como investigador post-doc en el Instituto Universitario Sophia (Italia).


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How to Cite
Bertolasi , T. 2021. The nexus between God and intersubjectivity in Husserl’s phenomenology . Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 29, (Jun. 2021), 195-203.