Mary, «Seat of Wisdom» and her virtuous presence for education
Considering the importance of the figure of the Virgin in the history of salvation and in the life of the People of God, and after the indications of Vatican II and the Supreme Pontiffs, one cannot think of neglecting the teaching of mariology today, Therefore, it is necessary to give this teaching the right place in intellectual and spiritual formation. To speak of Mary is to meet the feeling of the Mother, that Hebrew woman described from the biblical gaze as «the full of Grace», dressed in virtues from which a series of attitudes, habits and behaviors of the Virgin Mary emerges as reference for education today and named under the invocation of the «Throne of Wisdom».
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San Juan Pablo II. (1987). «Carta Encíclica Redemptoris Mater». La Santa Sede. Disponible en:
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Vélez Chaurri, José, Echeverría Goñi, Pedro y Martínez de Salinas, Felicitas. (2008). Estudios de Historia del Arte en memoria de la profesora Micaela Portilla. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Disponible en: www/pag-47820/65_publicacion_Virgen_Trono.pdf
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