The person of Mary in her Mystical Immaculation

  • María del Carmen García Viyuela Universidad de Comillas de Madrid, España
Keywords: Mary, Ontology, Immaculation


It is intended to outline the ontological meaning of the Immaculation of Mary, following the contribution of Fernando Rielo, who offers us an explanation of «The Immaculate Person of Mary», through what he describes as the ontological laws (immanence, transcendence and perfectibility) that structure all human beings, as part of the genetic heritage that we receive from the divine constitutive presence that inhabits and defines us. It develops the singular significance of the reduction of egotization from its immanentiality to ontological zero and, on the other hand, shows the depth of the meaning of the act of the Holy Spirit in its ecstatic consciousness.


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Author Biography

María del Carmen García Viyuela, Universidad de Comillas de Madrid, España

María del Carmen García Viyuela has a degree in Philosophy and Letters from the Complutense University of Madrid and a degree in Ecclesiastical Sciences from the University of Comillas in Madrid, and a two-year degree in Dogmatics from the University of San Dámaso in Madrid. Superior General of the Institute of Christ the Redeemer, missionaries and missionaries Identes. Vice President of the Fernando Rielo Cultural Foundation.


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How to Cite
García Viyuela, M. del C. 2020. The person of Mary in her Mystical Immaculation. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 25, (Apr. 2020), no. 6: pp. 1-14.