The canonical coronation of the Virgin of the Cisne

  • Katiushka Aguirre Pacheco Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador
Keywords: Canonical coronation, Virgen del Cisne, History of Loja century XX


The Catholic Church’s canonical coronation is one of the greatest recognitions given to a religious figura by this institution. Therefore, the fact «La Virgen del Cisne» was acknowledged with this title is a very important event. Even more, this event could be considered the most remarkable one in Loja’s XX century history beocuse the symbolism ans imprtance of «La Virgen del Cisne» was recognized by the Catholic Chuch. So, in this work, the canonical coronation of «La Virgen del Cisne» is analyzed, with a cultural historical approach alog with a bibligraphical revision, in orden to show how this event was used to prevent the communist idelogy to spread on the región.


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Author Biography

Katiushka Aguirre Pacheco, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador

Katiushka Aguirre Pacheco is a historian from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Her interest in the history of Loja prompted her to carry out different works on the city throughout her university career.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Pacheco, K. 2020. The canonical coronation of the Virgin of the Cisne. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 25, (Apr. 2020), no. 1: pp. 1-12.