Analysis of the social in the work The funerals of the Big Mama by Gabriel García Márquez

  • Cristhian Sarango Jaramillo Private Technical University of Loja, Ecuador
  • María V. Jarrín Machucha Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Valmiro Rangel Rangel Normal Superior Corozal, Colombia
  • Sergio Chacón Peña Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia
  • Tania Le Baut Ayuso Bedford Modern School, Bedford, Reino Unido
  • Julia Martín Hernández University of Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: The funerals of Big Mama, Society, Social analysis, Feudalism, Matriarchy


In this work the social situation of the society in the short story of García Márquez is researched in one of his best-known short stories, the story «Los funerales de Mama Grande » of 1962. In it, all the components of the society fabulated by the author can be taken as a sample of the Latin American societies of the first half of the 20th century, with strong feudal roots and with marked folkloric and popular accents. The analysis of the background is mediated by the idea that the sample of this society is held in the characteristics such as: the absolute matriarchy exercised by «the Mama Grande», the role of the Catholic religion and its symbols as the foundation for the reigning and organized faith of postcolonial civilization, and popular culture as a feature that complements the characteristics of feudalism that stratifies and assembles the general and particular fabric of that society.


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How to Cite
Sarango Jaramillo, C., Jarrín Machucha, M.V., Rangel Rangel, V., Chacón Peña, S., Le Baut Ayuso, T. and Martín Hernández, J. 2017. Analysis of the social in the work The funerals of the Big Mama by Gabriel García Márquez. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 20, (Nov. 2017), no. 9: pp. 1-15. DOI: