The philosophy of liberation and its decolonial avatars in the key of African

  • Agustín Lào-Montes University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States
Keywords: Africa, Africania, Caliban, Liberation philosophy, African philosophy


Ten years ago when we celebrated the 70th anniversary of Enrique Dussel in a conference entitled Mapping the decolonial turn, I presented a work on the Cuban Congo Philosophy as an expression of the existentialism of Africanism and the politics of liberation. In this conference-homage to the 80th anniversary of the master, we tried to establish a political-epistemic dialogue between the thought and politics of Africanism and the philosophy of liberation. This implies both a Dussel reading in the key of Africania and a Dusselian interpretation of African and Afro-diasporic thought. To explore this dialogue in full, beyond the possibilities of this writing, so we will take four routes in that way: 1) we will give a rough look at how the African is located in the philosophy and policy of Dussel’s liberation; 2) We will look at several important examples of how to globalize and interculturalize critical thinking in the Dusselian key from the Afro world; 3) we will approach the relationship between dialectic and analytic in Dussel, and then translate it as a movement of double criticism between what we call the Reason of Caliban and the Reason of Exu-Elegguá, and; 4) We will briefly examine liberation as a political-philosophical category in Dussel in dialogue with key figures in the thinking and politics of Africanism.


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How to Cite
Lào-Montes, A. 2017. The philosophy of liberation and its decolonial avatars in the key of African. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 20, (Dec. 2017), no. 5: pp. 1-37. DOI:
Social Sciences