Neighbourhood memories: bridges or barriers? Old and new migrants in Catalan working-class areas

  • Mikel Aramburu Otazu University of Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Neighborhood memories, Sense of place, Identities, Internal and external migrations, Working-class neighborhoods, Catalonia


The formation of the working class in Catalonia bears a clear migratory imprint. In the second half of the 20th century migrant workers came from the south of Spain, and in the last 15 years they have come from non-European countries. To what extent do the older migrants identify with the new? In this article I explore this question through the role the migratory experience plays in ‘neighbourhood memories’, and how these influence the making of a sense of place. For this purpose I compare two Catalan working-class areas with a markedly different politics of memory, and show how this affects possibilities of identification between old and new migrants.


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How to Cite
Aramburu Otazu, M. 2017. Neighbourhood memories: bridges or barriers? Old and new migrants in Catalan working-class areas. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 20, (Nov. 2017), no. 1: pp. 1-26. DOI:
Social Sciences