Beauty and Desecration

  • Roger Scruton University of Oxford, Inglaterra
Keywords: Values, Reasoning, Justification, Aesthetic Judgment, Secular Culture


The following article is about beauty, and the questions that worry us today: just what is the role of beauty in the life that is growing around us? How do we distinguish it from its fake versions? And how do we defend it against the surrounding culture? Here, I argue we must rescue art from the modern intoxication with ugliness.


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* El presente trabajo fue originalmente publicado en City Journal, edición de primavera de 2009 ( Se reproduce aquí con autorización del autor y por invitación de los editores de Analysis.
How to Cite
Scruton, R. 2016. Beauty and Desecration. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 19, (Sep. 2016), no. 2: pp. 1-11. DOI: