The call to love in marriage. The response of Pietro and Gianna

  • Katherine Zambrano Yaguana Universidad de Navarra, España
Keywords: Family, Conjugal Holiness, Married Life


The common thread of all Family Pastoral is the vocation to love. Our formal object of study and research is: «the call to love in marriage». Our premise is that marriage is a path of holiness and a divine vocation; starts with a call and requires a generous response. To the married vocation is answered, but... how is it answered? We believe that it is very important to be able to present how a marriage —concrete, real— can respond generously to this call. We will do it with the help of the testimony of the lived experience of the spouses Pietro Molla and Gianna Beretta.


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How to Cite
Zambrano Yaguana, K. 2019. The call to love in marriage. The response of Pietro and Gianna. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 24, (Dec. 2019), 145-152.