Bioethics. Toward the Best Practices

  • Mª Teresa López de la Vieja de la Torre Universidad de Salamanca, España
Keywords: Bioethics, Norms, Best Practices, Institutions


In 2005, the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights defined a framework of universal principles. Because of their basic responsibility for applying the set of principles and also for promoting bioethical education, States were the main addressees of that document. Here the analysis is focused on the connection between normative framework and practices. (1) In clinical settings and in research, «what should be done» has to be translated into specific actions and «best practices» (2) These would be coherent with the normative framework, but they correspond to a different level. Moreover, ethics committees require an institutional framework.


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How to Cite
López de la Vieja de la Torre, M.T. 2019. Bioethics. Toward the Best Practices. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 24, (Dec. 2019), 85-93.