Constitutional analysis of the right to health and the freedom not to vaccinate in Equator

  • Leonardo Gabriel Guzmán Delgado Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador.
Keywords: Constitutional state of rights, Balancing, Application of the Weight Formula.


With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, various legal issues have arisen worldwide, particularly in relation to vaccination, as there are individuals who have chosen not to be immunized due to different circumstances. In Ecuador, this group accounts for 17%, while the vaccinated population represents 83% statistically, creating a legal problem concerning two fundamental rights established in our Constitution: the Right to Health and the Right to Freedom of Non-Vaccination. This article will address the analysis of these conflicting rights in order to provide a possible solution.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Gabriel Guzmán Delgado , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador.

Leonardo Gabriel Guzmán Delgado. Lawyer in Free Practice at the Law Firm Guzmán Delgado y Asociados, Student of the Master's Degree in Law, mention in Constitutional Law, at the Peninsula de Santa Elena State University. Lawyer by the National University of Loja, Ecuador. Contact: Office José Antonio Eguiguren between Bolívar and Sucre, Novimueble building, second floor, Postal Code 110108, City of Loja, Province, Loja, Country, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Guzmán Delgado , L.G. 2023. Constitutional analysis of the right to health and the freedom not to vaccinate in Equator. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 37, (Sep. 2023), no. 3: pp. 1-15.