Analysis of the concentration of fluoride in the public water supply of the Cuenca canton, as a possible factor that contributes to the development of dental fluorosis

  • Eleonor Vélez León
  • María José Rodas Flores
  • María Angélica González Guzmán
  • Katherine Cuenca León
Keywords: Fluoride, Fluorine, Dental Fluorosis, Water


In 1940, fluoridation of drinking water was used as an effective method to prevent tooth decay, however, the WHO determines that concentrations greater than 1.5ppm of fluoride increase the risk of dental fluorosis. Objective: To determine if the concentration of fluoride in the public supply water of the parishes of the Cuenca canton is within the parameters allowed according to the WHO. Materials and Methods: analysis of 36 water samples from the Cuenca Canton using the SPADNS technique. Results: reveal concentrations of fluoride in drinking water between 0.01ppm and 0.11ppm. Conclusion: the quantities found are not significant, they are within the established parameters, without being a factor directly associated with dental fluorosis.


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How to Cite
Vélez León, E., Rodas Flores, M.J., González Guzmán, M.A. and Cuenca León, K. 2019. Analysis of the concentration of fluoride in the public water supply of the Cuenca canton, as a possible factor that contributes to the development of dental fluorosis. Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo. 23, (Mar. 2019), no. 6: pp. 1-19. DOI:
Health Science