Self and person: Different perspectives for a multifaceted individual

  • Francesco Consiglio Universidad de Granada, España
Keywords: Self, Person, Embodied Mind, Merleau-Ponty, Mirror Neurons


This article offers an introduction to the concepts of self and person, drawing the lines defining them in the contemporary philosophical context. The main focus concerns the declension of both those concepts in the most recent phenomenological trend and in the embodied mind perspective in neuroscience, paying also attention to the sceptical position which many philosophers and neuroscientists argued for. In this sense, it will have a central role the perspective of Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi, whose ideas are tightly linked with the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, like the perspective of Vittorio Gallese and Corrado Sinigaglia, whose focus in the context of the embodied mind shows the evident cultural debts it owes to French phenomenology, looking, then, at the theoretical potentialities offered by the mirror neurons mechanism. Finally, there will be a paragraph dedicated to the proposal for an immunologically defined self, argued by Antonio Damasio and another one dedicated to the emotional self, described by the neuroscientist A. D. Craig. The aim of this article is, therefore, to offer to the reader an introduction to the wide range of the contemporary theoretical proposals concerning the concepts of self and person, marking their multifaceted nature.

Author Biography

Francesco Consiglio, Universidad de Granada, España

Francesco Consiglio is a member of the research project “On the origin and epistemology of categories: Identity, Causality, Object: PID2019-108870GB-I00 (AEI)”; he also was member of the research project “Habla interna, metacognición y la concepción narrativa de la identidad” (MINECO: FFI2015–65953–P). He is member of the International Research Network "Studia Humanitatis"; he is also member of the FiloLab Excellence Unit at the University of Granada, Spain. He is PhD in Philosophy of Mind at the University of Granada. He studied at the universities of Siena (Laurea Triennale in Filosofia), Parma (Laurea  Magistrale  in  Filosofia)  and  Salamanca.  He mainly focused, during his studies, on Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Mind.  More recently, he focused on Theory of Collective Intelligence and social cognition with a particular focus on aesthetics, manipulation of artefacts and public representations. He published both articles and translations in various Spanish and Italian journals of philosophy and he gave talks in various congresses around Europe.


Craig, A. D. «Human feelings: why are some more aware than others?». Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.8 No.6 junio 2004.

Damasio, A. «The person within», Nature, vol. 423, 15 mayo 2003.

Dennett, D. Consciousness Explained, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto, London 1991, trad. it. L. Colasanti, Coscienza. Che cosa è, Laterza, Bari 2009.

Gallagher, S. «Philosophical conceptions of the self: implications for cognitive science». Trends in cognitive sciences, vol. 4, n°1, enero 2000.

Gallagher, S. & Zahavi, D. The Phenomenological Mind (2008), trad. it. P. Pedrini, La mente fenomenologica, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano 2009.

Gallese, V. & Sinigallia, C. «The bodily self as power for action». Neuropsychologia 48 (2010).

Merleau-Ponty, M. Phénoménologie de la perception, Librairie Gallimard, Paris 1945, trad. it. A. Bonomi, Fenomenologia della percezione, Bompiani, Milano 2003.
How to Cite
Consiglio, F. 2013. Self and person: Different perspectives for a multifaceted individual. Disputatio. 2, 3 (Dec. 2013), 87-108.
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