Collective intelligence: an emergent semiotic system

  • Francesco Consiglio Universidad de Granada, Spain
Keywords: Collective Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems, Semiotic Systems, Niche Construction, Emergence


The main idea I shall argue for in this article is that collective intelligence can be explained as a result emerging from the activity of a group of individual agents, all of which act within the framework of a common semiotic system, such as the cultural structures shared by them all and representing their common ground, the cultural niche where they born and grow up (their collective imagery, for instance).
The main deal, here, will be to detect the bases of the feedback loop mechanism which permits the development of this emergent semiotic structures. Also, I shall explain how human groups indeed constitute a very sophisticated case of multi-agent system, a collective intelligence whose main feature is its social ontology.

Author Biography

Francesco Consiglio, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Francesco Consiglio is a member of the research project “Habla interna, metacognición y la concepción
narrativa de la identidad” (MINECO: FFI2015-65953-P) and of the FiloLab Excellence Unit at the University of
Granada, Spain. He is CPhil in Philosophy of Mind at the University of Granada. He studied at the universities
of Siena (Laurea Triennale in Filosofia), Parma (Laurea Magistrale in Filosofia) and Salamanca. He mainly
focused, during his studies, on Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Mind. More recently, he focused on
Theory of Collective Intelligence and social cognition. He published both articles and translations in various
Spanish and Italian journals of philosophy and he gave talks in various congresses around Europe.


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How to Cite
Consiglio, F. 2018. Collective intelligence: an emergent semiotic system. Disputatio. 7, 8 (Dec. 2018), a009. DOI:
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