Information networks and systemic properties. An epistemological perspective

  • Francesco Consiglio Universidad de Granada, Spain
Keywords: Network, Self-organization, Complexity, Feed-back Loops, Stigmergy


In this article, I present a proposal for a new epistemic paradigm for the interpretation of complex reticular phenomena: the information network. The principal idea of this essay is that the most crucial thing in a net is not its architecture but the information content it conveys: any information is here presented as a set of signs. Hence, any information network constitutes a semiotic system. The nodes of a net can be seen as the agents of a system, each one manipulating the signs locally. I argue that the information structure itself influences the local responses of these individual agents, feeding them back into the system and self-organizing.

Author Biography

Francesco Consiglio, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Francesco Consiglio is a member of the research project “Habla interna, metacognición y la concepción narrativa de la identidad” (MINECO: FFI2015-65953-P) and of the FiloLab Excellence Unit at the University of Granada, Spain. He is a CPhil in Philosophy of Mind at the University of Granada. He studied at the universities of Siena (Laurea Triennale in Filosofia), Parma (Laurea Magistrale in Filosofia) and Salamanca. He mainly focused, during his studies, on Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Mind. More recently, he focused on Theory of Collective Intelligence and social cognition. He published both articles and translations in various Spanish and Italian journals of philosophy, and he gave talks in various congresses around Europe.


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How to Cite
Consiglio, F. 2017. Information networks and systemic properties. An epistemological perspective. Disputatio. 6, 7 (Dec. 2017), 309-321. DOI:
Articles and Essays