Montesquieu’s Essay on taste

  • Francesco Consiglio Universidad de Granada, España
Keywords: Montesquieu, Taste, Diderot


This critical note aims to present and comment the content of the Essay on taste, by Montesquieu. The commentary follows the structure of the fragment, posthumously published in 1757 as an entry of the Encyclopédie. Key concepts are analysed through the reconstruction of their logical relations within the Montesquieu’s argument. The note concludes analysing the position of the Essay in its contemporary theoretical and cultural context.

Author Biography

Francesco Consiglio, Universidad de Granada, España

Francesco Consiglio is a member of the research project “On the origin and epistemology of categories: Identity, Causality, Object: PID2019-108870GB-I00 (AEI)”; he also was member of the research project “Habla interna, metacognición y la concepción narrativa de la identidad” (MINECO: FFI2015–65953–P). He is member of the International Research Network "Studia Humanitatis"; he is also member of the FiloLab Excellence Unit at the University of Granada, Spain. He is PhD in Philosophy of Mind at the University of Granada. He studied at the universities of Siena (Laurea Triennale in Filosofia), Parma (Laurea  Magistrale  in  Filosofia)  and  Salamanca.  He mainly focused, during his studies, on Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Mind.  More recently, he focused on Theory of Collective Intelligence and social cognition with a particular focus on aesthetics, manipulation of artefacts and public representations. He published both articles and translations in various Spanish and Italian journals of philosophy and he gave talks in various congresses around Europe.


Consiglio, Francesco (2014). «Il concetto di Natura nella filosofia di Denis Diderot». Alia. Revista de Estudios Tranversales 3, pp. 7-22.

Diderot, Denis (1795). Essais sur la Peinture. [Trad. it.: Saggi sulla pittura. Trad. di Guido Neri. Milano: Abscondita, 2004].

Locke, John (1690). An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. [Trad. it.: Saggio sull’intelletto umano. Trad. di Nicola Abbagnano. Torino: UTET, 1996].

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat de (1757). Essai sur le goût. [Trad. it.: Saggio sul gusto. Trad. di Miklos N. Varga. Milano: Abscondita, 2006].
How to Cite
Consiglio, F. 2020. Montesquieu’s Essay on taste. Disputatio. 9, 15 (Dec. 2020), 23-31. DOI:
Critical Notes