Training in values for a comprehensive education from the perspective of service-based learning
This article deals with the training in values for an education from a service-based learning (ApS) perspective in which 571 students and 630 teachers from educational institutions in the country participated. To achieve this purpose, an analytical investigation of the experiences and learning of the students was carried out. For data collection, an online satisfaction survey was used, which contemplated the approach, execution and evaluation of a values formation project. Initially a diagnosis was made using an observation sheet to identify the problem related to the experience of values, later a proposal was elaborated which is socialized with the authorities and teachers of the educational establishments and finally practical workshops were raised face-to-face and/or virtual. The results showed that the application of the service-learning methodology in the formation of values is efficient and innovative, since it promotes direct contact with society, putting theory into practice in real contexts and allowing the strengthening and experience of values through the participation of students in solidarity projects that put their knowledge, skills, attitudes and values at stake.
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