Science and politics in democratic contexts I: Scientific practice

  • Paulo Vélez León Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Philosophy of Science, Epistemology, Knowledge, Scientific Politics, STS, Kitcher


The political dimension of science has gained a particular interest in most recent decades for areas of knowledge like the Philosophy of science, as well as for political studies of science, history of science, among others. One reason for this development is that we are more conscious the results obtained by a scientist are a product of the interaction and interrelation of epistemic and none epistemic (the socio-political context) values. This dynamic is one of the factors which make progress in science possible and reflects, at the same time, its integrity. Based on the contributions provided by Philip Kitcher, I shall characterize in this paper the two forms to treat scientific knowledge from a philosophical perspective. I shall argue, following Kitcher, that the scientific practice (the epistemic aspect) and social aspects of knowledge (none epistemic aspects) are not two different and disconnected things, but a unity of reasons (theoretical and practical ones) which enable the progress of scientific knowledge.

Author Biography

Paulo Vélez León, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Paulo Vélez León is a Research Fellow at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. His main interests are in
theoretical philosophy (metaphysics and theory of knowledge), philosophical methodology, theory of value
(aesthetics) and history of thought and science, especially the Hispanic mediaeval. He has participated in several research projects and collaborated with different groups of basic and applied research; he has also made advanced studies at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). He has published in his areas of specialisation, several articles in journals and proceedings.


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How to Cite
Vélez León, P. 2018. Science and politics in democratic contexts I: Scientific practice. Disputatio. 7, 8 (Dec. 2018), a014. DOI:
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