Ontology or Ontologies?

  • Paulo Vélez León Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Applied Ontology, Realism, World, Description, Structure, Hartmann, Husserl, Carnap, Phenomenology


In recent decades there has been a renewed interest in some of the classic themes of ontology, from areas of knowledge external to philosophy; however, this ontological revival has «stimulated» a multiplicity and diversity of «ontological» theories and concepts that has resulted in a proliferation of «ontologies» and endless battles to determine what kind of «entities» study their respective «domains», which in turn are considered autonomous and independent, even of ontology itself. In this sense, the purpose of this work is to adequately characterize and represent these «ontologies», within the general framework of the debate about the nature of ontology. Thus, in the first section I will make a diagnosis of contemporary ontology; in the second I will provide some definitions and characterizations of the main concepts, especially the so-called «applied ontologies»; and in the third I will analyze whether these concepts can be considered different types of ontology or simply are different levels of ontology. The framework of the discussion will not center on confronting all these notions, but to describe and analyze them to provide a focus on the current state of ontology and its problems.

Author Biography

Paulo Vélez León, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Paulo Vélez León es Investigador en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España. Sus principales áreas de interés son la filosofía teórica (metafísica y teoria del conocimiento), la metodología filosófica, la teoría del valor (estética) y la historia del pensamiento y la ciencia, especialmente el hispano medioeval. Ha participado en varios proyectos de investigación, y colaborado con diferentes grupos de investigación básica y aplicada, también ha realizado ampliación de estudios en el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Ha publicado, en sus áreas de especialización, varios artículos en revistas y actas académicas.


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How to Cite
Vélez León, P. 2015. Ontology or Ontologies?. Disputatio. 4, 5 (Dec. 2015), 299-339. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3345910.
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