The Ontology of the Musical Work

  • Roger Scruton University of Oxford, UK
Keywords: Events, Identity, Intentional Object, Musical Work, Ontology


Confronts certain puzzles raised about the nature and identity of the musical work, and dismisses these puzzles as unreal: either they concern the musical work itself, in which case they are puzzles about the metaphysical status of an intentional object, and therefore susceptible to an arbitrary solution, or they concern the sounds in which the work is heard, in which case they are simply special cases of the problems concerning the nature and identity of events.

Author Biography

Roger Scruton, University of Oxford, UK

Roger Scruton is Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Oxford and at the School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Cinema Studies of the University of St. Andrews. PhD in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge.


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How to Cite
Scruton, R. 2013. The Ontology of the Musical Work. Disputatio. 2, 3 (Dec. 2013), 25-50.
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