Praise of Polytheism, in the vision of Odo Marquard

  • Jorge Roaro Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Myth, Reason, Progress, Monotheism, Polytheism, Positivism, Language


In this exposition of the central argument of the essay On Monomiticity and Polimiticity, by Odo Marquard, several key notions in the humanist vision of the German philosopher appear: a) the assessment of the power of language, and particularly narrative language, to shape our understanding of the world and our own sense of identity, in a form unattainable from the simple theoretical exposition; b) the confirmation of the multiplicity of languages, of discourses, of ways of life, of values, and therefore of different narratives, to account for the boundless set of human experience, impossible to reduce to a single dogma or theory, allegedly «universal»; c) distrust, therefore, regarding any dogma, whether religious or theoretical, that pretends to be able to reach a definitive truth about the world and about our life experience; d) the praise of the diversity of ideas and points of view, the only possible guarantee of the true freedom of man.

Author Biography

Jorge Roaro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Jorge Roaro is a Researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. PhD in Philosophy at the
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. His main interests are in the Spanish Renaissance humanism, the humanist
critique of culture, philosophy and art history, language philosophy, the relationship between literature and
philosophy, reflection on the philosophical problem of war, and dinosaurs. Co-editor of Disputatio.


Barthes, Roland (1964/2003). Mythen des Alltags. Fráncfort del Meno: Suhrkamp.

Marquard, Odo (1995/2000). Adiós a los principios. Traducción de Enrique Ocaña. Valencia: Institució Alfons el Magnánim.
How to Cite
Roaro, J. 2017. Praise of Polytheism, in the vision of Odo Marquard. Disputatio. 6, 7 (Dec. 2017), 581-592. DOI:
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