Divide me from Myself. Love and Alterity in Rousseau

  • Pablo Pavesi Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Keywords: Love, Alterity, Selfness, Imagination, Solitud


Rousseau affirms that love is the extension of self-love to the others. This theory confronts with a tradition that considers the loved person as «another self», an alterity of selfness that the notion of extension—as we maintain—suppresses. Our thesis is that extended self-love is a form of amour-propre directed to a chimera embodied by means of a plastic imagination that adornsembellishes the real beings with imaginary beings, rendering them loveable. Thus Julia, the character, incarnates in Mme. Houdetot, the person, who therewith disappears. Lastly the others appear only in the joy of the innocent, once the extension, that is to say, love, disappears. Consequently we must change our subtitle in order to summarize our thesis: love or alterity.

Author Biography

Pablo Pavesi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

PABLO PAVESI es Profesor Adjunto en la Cátedra de Historia de la Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Doctor en Filosofía [≈ PhD] por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Su trabajo se centra en la historia de la filosofía francesa de los siglos XVII-XVIII. Es autor de La moral metafísica. Pasion y virtud en Descartes (Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2009) y coeditor de Cartesiana. Actas del Primer Encuentro francoiberoamericano en torno a Descartes (Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2016).


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How to Cite
Pavesi, P. 2019. Divide me from Myself. Love and Alterity in Rousseau. Disputatio. 8, 11 (Dec. 2019), 445-467. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3594246.
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