The cognitio per primas intentiones in the Tractatus de secundis intentionibus of Hervaeus Natalis (1250-1323)

  • Emanuele Lacca University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Keywords: Hervaeus Natalis, Thomas Aquinas, Intentions, Habitude, Actus intelligendi


The aim of this contribution is the study of the concept of primae intentiones according to the Breton tomist Hervaeus Natalis (1250–1323), through the analysis of his Tractatus de secundis intentionibus. In this text, the Breton inherits the theory of knowledge of Thomas Aquinas to re–elaborate it in the light of the concept of intentio, making the Tractatus the first work in which the theory of intentionality is exposed in a unitary way. This paper will examine the first part of this theory, in which Hervaeus theorizes the primae intentiones as a medium by which an object of the world is known and ‘passes’ into the intellect of a knowing subject, to analyse its originality.

Author Biography

Emanuele Lacca, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic

Emanuele Lacca is a Researcher at the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. PhD in Philosophy by cotutelle at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy) and Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), with thesis on the logical and ethical intentionality in the Dominicans of the School of Salamanca. His main interests are in the metaphysics and ethics of Dominicans and Jesuits at the Salamanca School. Has published book, Conoscenza e azione. Uomo, mondo, intentiones nella Escuela de Salamanca (Madrid–Porto, 2018).


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How to Cite
Lacca, E. 2020. The cognitio per primas intentiones in the Tractatus de secundis intentionibus of Hervaeus Natalis (1250-1323). Disputatio. 9, 14 (Sep. 2020), 203-233. DOI:
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