Limits and Contradictions of Human Justice. Pedro de Ledesma (1544-1616) on Moral Action

  • Emanuele Lacca University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Keywords: Pedro de Ledesma, Moral Action, Legal Justice, Distributive Justice, Commutative Justice


The aim of this contribution is to show the theory of justice of the Dominican Pedro de Ledesma (1544-1616), expositively and following step by step the ideas contained in the pages of one of his most important works, the Suma Moral (Salamanca, 1598). In this contribution we will see how the Dominican deals with the concept of justice and, at the same time, how he attributes to moral action the dependence on that concept. To this purpose, some sections of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth treatises of the second part of the Suma, which deal respectively with justice, legal justice, distributive justice and commutative justice, will be taken into account.

Author Biography

Emanuele Lacca, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic

Emanuele Lacca is a Researcher at the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. PhD in Philosophy by
cotutelle at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy) and Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), with thesis on the
logical and ethical intentionality in the Dominicans of the School of Salamanca. His main interests are in the
metaphysics and ethics of Dominicans and Jesuits at the Salamanca School. Has published book, Conoscenza e
azione. Uomo, mondo, intentiones nella Escuela de Salamanca (Madrid–Porto, 2018).


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How to Cite
Lacca, E. 2018. Limits and Contradictions of Human Justice. Pedro de Ledesma (1544-1616) on Moral Action. Disputatio. 7, 8 (Dec. 2018), a031. DOI: