The free people as an annulment of the tragic in Goethe

  • Miguel Salmerón Infante Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
Keywords: Plebs, Freedom, The Unavoidable, Reformist Aristocracy, Resignation


This article begins by analyzing the notion of people in Goethe, to distinguish it from those of Herder and Fichte. Goethe did not embrace Herder’s universalist ecumenism or Fichte’s patriotic republicanism. This definition of the people is then connected with Goethe’s political activity in the Archduchy of Weimar, whose orientation was enlightened despotism. Later, the evolution of this notion of people is examined in his work, attending mainly to two titles: Egmont and Faust. In the first of these works the key is how the abuses of the powerful can turn the people into rabble. In the project of gaining land from the sea, always unfulfilled, but always stimulating for being unfulfilled, Fausto acquires the experience that makes him want to want to stop time. In short, from his political work, his reflections on the public and the development of his literary work, Goethe drew the conclusion that the most effective antidote to the tragic is precisely a free people in a free land.

Author Biography

Miguel Salmerón Infante, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España

Miguel Salmerón Infante is Associate Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts in the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has also Master´s Degree in Translation from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has edited prestigious authors of philosophical and literary thought in the German language (Goethe, Hölderlin, Rosenkranz, Kafka, Bloch, Weber, Koselleck and Beuys). His lines of research are the History of Aesthetics, Philosophy and Aesthetics of music, Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Richard Wagner.


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How to Cite
Salmerón Infante, M. 2021. The free people as an annulment of the tragic in Goethe. Disputatio. 10, 17 (Jun. 2021), 153-167. DOI:
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