Brief Analysis and Translation of Gottlob Frege's «On the Law of Inertia»

  • Kurt Wischin Universidad de Granada, España
Keywords: Newton, Ludwig Lange, Empirical Science, Concept, Representation


Frege's review of Ludwig Lange's book about the Newtonian laws of motion is his only work discussing the logical principle that should govern an empirical science system. Some interesting comments about this piece from a historian's perspective in the philosophy of science are contained in the translations of notes by the authors of a translation into English. My brief analysis argues that Frege's review allows us to question many of the standard interpretations of Frege's philosophy of language and logic

Author Biography

Kurt Wischin, Universidad de Granada, España

Kurt Wischin is currently CPhil at the International School for Graduate Studies of the University of Granada. His first formational contact with academic philosophy occurred in Vienna during the 1970s. He obtained a BA in Philosophy at the Autonomous University and a MPhil at the Autonomous National University of Mexico. His work in philosophy takes as it starting point the philosophy of Wittgenstein, in particular as condensed in Philosophical Investigations. His current investigative activities a focussed on the foundational years of contemporary philosophy of logic and language, putting special emphasis on the development of Frege's doctrine and its influence on the formation of the Tractatus, as well as generally early analytical philosophy. He has published various articles and translations y some anthologies' and academic reviews.


Dummett, Michael (1996). Origins of Analytical Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

Frege, Gottlob (1891) «Über das Trägheitsgesetz». Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik. 98: pp. 145-161. Republicado en Frege, Gottlob. Kleine Schriften. Ed. Ignacio Angelelli (1967, 2a edición 1990). Hildesheim: Georg Olms, pp. 113-124.

Frege, Gottlob (1891/1974). Tr. Howard Jackson y Edwin Levy «On the Law of Inertia». En: ed. Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume XIV. Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences. Dordrecht-Holanda/Boston-EE.UU.: D. Reidel

Lange, Ludwig (1886): »Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des Bewegungsbegriffs und ihr voraussichtliches Endergebnis». Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
How to Cite
Wischin, K. 2020. Brief Analysis and Translation of Gottlob Frege’s «On the Law of Inertia». Disputatio. 9, 15 (Dec. 2020), 167-198. DOI:
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