The difference between saying and showing and how to overcome philosophical problems

  • Kurt Wischin Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Keywords: Proposition, Show, Say, Philosophical Continuity, Nonsense, Limit


The difficulties encountered for a detailed interpretation of many a key passage of the Tractatus, together with the critical comments the author himself has leveled during his later philosophical development at some aspects of the vision of language in his first opus frequently has had the consequence that some interpreters lose sight of the general target of the work and the degree to which Wittgensteinian philosophy is moved by one and the same philosophical worries during the whole life of the austro-british thinker. An argument of the motives behind the key distinction of the Tractatus between what a proposition says and what it shows suggests that the vision that is the source of this tractarian distinction is forcefully at work also in the later philosophy of Wittgenstein.

Author Biography

Kurt Wischin, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

Kurt Wischin es actualmente docente de tiempo libre en el departamento de filosofía de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México, siendo maestrando en filosofía en la Universidad Autonóma de México.


Conant, James (1991), «Throwing Away the Top of the Ladder». The Yale Review 79: pp. 328-364.

Citado según McGinn (2001).

Dummett, Michael (1996), Origins of Analytical Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University

Press, 200.

Fogelin, Robert J. (1987), Wittgenstein. Second edition. The Arguments of the Philosophers,

Edited by Ted Honderich. Londres y Nueva York: Routledge, p. 256.

Glock, Hans-Johann (1996), A Wittgenstein Dictionary.Oxford: Blackwell, 406.

McGinn, Marie (2001), «Saying and Showing and the Continuity of Wittgenstein’s Thought». The

Harvard Review of Philosophy, IX: pp. 24-36.

Pitcher, George (1964), The Philosophy of Wittgenstein. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 340.

Rhees, Rush (1996), Discussions of Wittgenstein. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 161.

Varga von Kibéd, Matthias (2001), «Variablen im Tractatus» en Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus

logico-philosophicus, (Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Vossenkuhl), Berlin: Akademie Verlag,

Klassiker Auslegen, pp. 209-229.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1973), Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, (Jacobo Muñoz e Isidoro Reguera,

traducción). Madrid: Alianza, 215. (La numeración de los pasajes citados se refiere a las


Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1988), Investigaciones Filosóficas, (Alfonso García Suárez y Ulises

Moulines, traducción). México: UNAM, 549 (La numeración de los pasajes citados se refiere

en la parte I a las secciones, a los números de página en la parte II).

How to Cite
Wischin, K. 2012. The difference between saying and showing and how to overcome philosophical problems. Disputatio. 1, 1 (Jun. 2012), 49-60. DOI:
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