The Ontological and Gnoseological Meaning of the Theophany in Nicholas of Cusa

  • María Jesús Soto-Bruna Universidad de Navarra, España
Keywords: Explicatio, Manifestation, Knowledge, Cusan Philosophy


This article addresses a novel aspect of the classic theory of manifestation which is characteristic of Nicholas of Cusa's work. It is examined here through the lens of the theophany and we inquire into creation as such. We then go on to explain how the principle of coincidentia oppositorum determines the truth of the finite in relation to the Absolute: presenting the finite as an explicatio of the infinite. This explicatio or expression does not coincide with that which is expressed, but rather it requires the presence of the complicatio in its expression in order for the finite entity to be something.

In what follows, we explain the thesis according to which this something that is the creature is determined in a specific way in man as image, particularly in regard to knowledge. We argue that through knowledge human beings are presented as a second God and that they reach the aspect of creation as theophany through their union with the Absolute.

Author Biography

María Jesús Soto-Bruna, Universidad de Navarra, España

María Jesús Soto-Bruna is Full Professor of Medieval and Modern Philosophy at the University of Navarra, Spain. Director of the Institute of Medieval Studies of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the same institution. Ph.D. in Philosophy awarded by the University of Navarra, Spain. Her research is focused on medieval and modern Neoplatonism. She has carried out, with Concepción Alonso del Real, three critical editions authored by Dominicus Gundissalinus: De processione mundi, Tractatus De Anima, and De unitate et uno.


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How to Cite
Soto-Bruna, M.J. 2021. The Ontological and Gnoseological Meaning of the Theophany in Nicholas of Cusa. Disputatio. 10, 16 (Mar. 2021), 1-25. DOI:
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